Since my last post evoke such amusement for Caryn, her sister Jill and Scott I will continue to post in English.The past couple of days have been characterized by work, party and sleep. On Saturday I went shopping with Ida, Jørgens friend from elementary school which is in Boston in connection with her PhD at Prudential Center. Ida is very nice, so thank you Jørgen for providing me with her. She was looking for a dress to use at a wedding in Norway and we ended upon a champagne colored dress from Sue Wong (Don't know who it is, just thought it sounded fancy). After our shopping we had lunch at this arty place in South Boston. Looking out over the sea while eating delicious seafood was definitely something to recommend.
In the evening we went to Peder and Danielles apartment and then went out to the "Enormous Room" (very misleading name as it isn't enormous at all) and then we went to Middlesex. We had to wait for an hour at Middlesex to get in, one whole hour...it was very fun when we finally did get in, but it sure felt like a waste of time. Next weekend some of Peders friends from Norway or Rognan to be more specific will arrive, and as Peder said; "Do you think Boston is ready for this? Do you think we have enough beer?" Haha. I'm looking forward to it.
Over to another recurrent theme:
Plastic cups. I don't get it. Even when you're out you get your drinks in plastic cups!! Can they stop with the plastic cups?? I also got my olive tapenade (this is meshed olives, namnam, I was very excited when I saw it because I haven't been able to get a hold of it back home) in a plastic glass....
I saw the wild turkeys again on Sunday. I've told everyone about them and everyone, or the majority of people have heard about them, but no one has actually seen them. I saw them walking on the sidewalk close to the cars gobbling around for some turkey-business. To prove that I'm not crazy and that they actually exists I hereby provide photo-documentation.
On Sunday I also bought a new phone to use here. Its really crap. Its even more crap than the phone Kristin bought in India. Its like a toy phone and once in a while it just starts showing commercials (wtf?), very annoying when you're trying to sleep. But I can text and call and that's the most important things. I don't think any of you back home can call me so we would have to use skype. I really wanted a Blackberry since it is a big thing here and they are really cute but it felt like a waste to use so much money on a phone I probably can't use at home anyway. You see my phone doesn't have a SIM card, I asked the guy what was there instead and he just mumbled something so I think its magic. I bought this subscription which gives you unlimited texting and calling for a month for 40 dollars, this seemed like a real bargain at the time but it turns out to be the most retarded thing I've done in a long time. So far I have only got three contacts and no one is texting me, way to spend 40 dollars, haha. Scott actually sent me a sympathy text yesterday so that I would feel better.
Until we meet again!
Btw, Bea, Congratulations on your collaboration with Tomkrist! That's great! Your music career is really going somewhere now. Haha. Just wait till the end of September when Margrethe&Niklas bully-blogg will be up and running.
Yes, I know my room is messy.
Happy people: Sølve and Caryn
New NY watch
Since I might have some English-speaking readers I've now changed to English for this post. On Tuesday we (me, Caryn, Scott and Sølve) went out for dinner at this mexican place called Borders up in Harvard Square. We ate there with the aussies as well and the food is amazing! However, so is also the margaritas...Caryn seems to be blessed with some remarkable liver enzymes compared to me considering that I was half-dead the next day while she felt fine. Either way, we had a great time out, first we went to this indie-hipster place at Central Square, it was cool, but it was kind of not our crowd...hint: I learned a new word there; tranny, so we went to this other place across the street and had so much fun.
Apart from going out for dinner and getting hung over life is moving along great. Yesterday we watched my new reality-hit-show "The Real World - New Orleans" and for those of you who thought that "The Hills" was stupid, think again. Me, being the realityshow-lover numero uno used the opportunity to treat myself with a "small" cake from our local pastry shop. Happy times. Yesterday I also amazed Scott with my superior screwdriver (?) skills, I managed to undo a screw on his broken playstation which he had been working on for a long time. The joy was temporary since I didn't manage to open the other screws, so I guess he'll just have to buy a new one...Another bad thing is that the vending machine also seems to be working again, as Scott would out it; Big sad face! At work I have started in the lab, I have not done much yet, but its fun to do something real and not only read papers and analyze things. I have also taken a number of courses which you have to have to get a permanent ID here. Everything that goes on here is regulated, and then I mean EVERYTHING. It is very strict compared to Norway, but I guess its good, the safety routines are definitely in place.This Saturday I'm going to a small party at Peder and Danielles place and then we're going out, I am very excited! Also, to you Norwegians, I actually had a breakthrough in my Americanization the other day; I actually used the expression "have a good one". It felt kinda weird, but I guess I'll get used to it. I have also learned the how-are-you-business, usually I just answer "good, how are you?" although I'm not good, but it works, you could also say "not to bad" but I don't think I'm completely there yet.Here are some pictures of my beloved roomies, the school and me and my new watch!! Hope you all are doing good, I really enjoy reading your e-mails. I miss you all!Btw, does anybody know how to get the pictures under the text? HELP.

Da er jeg endelig blitt en av de kule kidsa og stolt innehaver av min egen blogg.
Her vil jeg dele mine små og store øyeblikk fra mitt opphold i the home of the brave and the land of the free. Vær ikke forsiktig med å legge igjen kommentarer og andre vittigheter, jeg vil gjerne holde meg oppdatert på deres liv og levne.
Som noen av dere kanskje vet var jeg i NY i helga. Det var amazing! Vi fikk ikke gjort alt vi ville, men vi fikk likevel en taste av the City. Det ble mye gåing og 5 nye gnagsår, men når jeg ser tilbake på det nå var det egentlig verdt det! Ting som ble opplevd var: HA! Comedy club, Greenwich Village, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, Frihetsgudinnen (vi observerte henne bare fra lang avstand), tidenes takterrasse, clubbing i Chelsea, The Russian Tea Room (dyr, men ekstremt bra resturant) og Times Square. Vi bodde helt ideelt til mellom 5 og 6th avenue, rett ved Empire State og hotellet var kjempebra!
Vi ankom rimelig slitne seint på fredagsnatta etter en 4 og en halvtime lang busstur og var på jakt etter en nightcap da vi havna på HA! Comedy Club, det var så gøy, masse mobbing av publikumere og dere vet jo alle hvor mye jeg setter pris på litt ordentlig mobbing, right Bea? Andre høydepunkter var servicen og maten på The Russian Tea Room som åpnet i 1927 av russiske balettstudenter som flyktet fra tsaren og takterrasseresturanten rett ved oss. Vi tok toget tilbake på søndag, glade, men slitne. Det var godt å komme hjem igjen til to smilende roomies og i tillegg møtte vi en mann som jobba på Harvard Med på T-banen hjem som jeg fikk visittkortet til og greier.
I dag har jeg hatt presentasjon for noen folk på gruppa, jeg var som vanlig stressa ut av en annen verden, men det gikk bra og jeg klarte å ikke være nervøs under selve presentasjonen (!).
Bilder legges ut fortløpende.
Klem til alle som vil ha klem
P.S. Jeg vil gjerne skype!!