Since I might have some English-speaking readers I've now changed to English for this post. On Tuesday we (me, Caryn, Scott and Sølve) went out for dinner at this mexican place called Borders up in Harvard Square. We ate there with the aussies as well and the food is amazing! However, so is also the margaritas...Caryn seems to be blessed with some remarkable liver enzymes compared to me considering that I was half-dead the next day while she felt fine. Either way, we had a great time out, first we went to this indie-hipster place at Central Square, it was cool, but it was kind of not our crowd...hint: I learned a new word there; tranny, so we went to this other place across the street and had so much fun.
Apart from going out for dinner and getting hung over life is moving along great. Yesterday we watched my new reality-hit-show "The Real World - New Orleans" and for those of you who thought that "The Hills" was stupid, think again. Me, being the realityshow-lover numero uno used the opportunity to treat myself with a "small" cake from our local pastry shop. Happy times. Yesterday I also amazed Scott with my superior screwdriver (?) skills, I managed to undo a screw on his broken playstation which he had been working on for a long time. The joy was temporary since I didn't manage to open the other screws, so I guess he'll just have to buy a new one...Another bad thing is that the vending machine also seems to be working again, as Scott would out it; Big sad face!
At work I have started in the lab, I have not done much yet, but its fun to do something real and not only read papers and analyze things. I have also taken a number of courses which you have to have to get a permanent ID here. Everything that goes on here is regulated, and then I mean EVERYTHING. It is very strict compared to Norway, but I guess its good, the safety routines are definitely in place.
This Saturday I'm going to a small party at Peder and Danielles place and then we're going out, I am very excited! Also, to you Norwegians, I actually had a breakthrough in my Americanization the other day; I actually used the expression "have a good one". It felt kinda weird, but I guess I'll get used to it. I have also learned the how-are-you-business, usually I just answer "good, how are you?" although I'm not good, but it works, you could also say "not to bad" but I don't think I'm completely there yet.
Here are some pictures of my beloved roomies, the school and me and my new watch!! Hope you all are doing good, I really enjoy reading your e-mails. I miss you all!
Btw, does anybody know how to get the pictures under the text? HELP.
Karoline vet det der med bildan. Ho e jo erfaren blogger. Spør ho. Ser ut som om at du har det helt fantastisk. Så artig med morsomme folk og drikking! Unne dæ alt det fine! Smoke-free campus. Haha! Kanskje du e røyk fri når du kommer hjem! Googla tranny for å finne ut ka det va. Hand picked daily archive of transsexual porn galleries e ikke nåkka æ vil se på, men nu vet æ ka det betyr. Haha! Gla i dæ klumpen!