Everyone in the lab is really nice and there is a lot of people which makes it easier to ask every one of them stupid questions and not bothering one person.
Last weekend me and Caryn went to her friend Ronaldos MIT fraternity house, I'm posting some pictures of it here. It was exactly like in the movies. After that we went to this club called the Good Life which had some kind of break dance or old school night or something. Anyway, most of the people there looked like they came straight outta Fresh Prince in Bel Air, I mean, you people working at "Stress" trying to dress hip-hoppy, you haven't seen nuthin. I will try to post a video of one of the girls break dancing here, I also have a picture of the circle, try to notice the yo-hipsters in the background. Fun.
The rest of the weekend I worked, until Josse, my long lost Rognan friend came to visit us on Sunday. He had been in Peder and Danielles wedding and is going to tour the US and Canada. I haven't seen him in 8 years and it was so much fun. Of course on his last night we took him to Border Cafe, the margherita place, where Josse had his first "cocktail", then we went to Middlesex where there were some house-dj playing. Matt, my smoking neighbor, also came and we had a great night.
Yesterday, mr mongo and mr bongo (Niklas and Bea) broke into my Spotify account and made the worst playlist ever. They said they had sent it to all of my friends, so if you have received Margrethes all time best, I'm sorry, they're kids, don't go to hard on them.
New words I've learned lately:
WASH = White trash
Guidos = Italian Americans, the jersey shore type, just google image guido, you'll see what I mean
T = Too (can be used on everything; "its so T" like its too much.)
I had my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other day and I immediately fell in love with it. Scott however, felt that this wasn't the right kind of peanut butter and jelly sandwich for me and gave me some more "synthethic" ones. They were good although extremely synthetic. A pre made sandwich which you just thaw...its nothing natural about that, but who cares.
This weekend I'm home alone!! Yeey! No, its kind of sad actually, Caryn is in NY celebrating her friends birthday and Scott is going home to Cali soon. I have a date with Ida, my fellow Norwegian and I think I will work a little. I've begun to read the daily horoscope in the NY post, Anna Anka once said that this horoscope was the most correct one and its true!!! My horoscope this weekend said that I would be wise to relax this weekend because I would need all my strength for next week. So maybe I'll do that. Or maybe not...?
Song of the weekend: Big Boi - Shutterbug, I loved it for weeks now, I still love t, the album is amazing as well.
Peace out!
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